Price Check on a T4 set

Data valid as of Sept. 8, 2024, 2:29 a.m. UTC

A T4 set is worth about 119g 43s 00c

  • This is based on 90% of the sell price (lowest listing) at a depth of 250.
  • Most items in Guild Wars 2 are traded for around 90% of the sell price.
  • We use a depth of 250 to ignore small quantities of an item listed at an undercut, which can happen accidentally or when someone wants an item to sell quickly.
  • See our about prices page for more information about item valuations.

T4 Material Sell Prices

Item Depth 1 Depth 100 Depth 250 Depth 1000 Depth 5000
Blood 3s 77c 3s 78c 3s 78c 3s 81c 3s 85c
Bones 13s 90c 13s 90c 13s 92c 13s 94c 15s 11c
Claws 9s 64c 9s 65c 9s 65c 9s 67c 9s 78c
Dust 6s 59c 6s 60c 6s 60c 6s 61c 6s 80c
Fangs 8s 59c 8s 59c 8s 60c 8s 61c 8s 75c
Scales 3s 25c 3s 25c 3s 25c 3s 26c 3s 35c
Totems 3s 26c 3s 27c 3s 28c 3s 28c 3s 32c
Venom 3s 99c 4s 00c 4s 00c 4s 02c 4s 15c

T4 Set Pricing

Depth 100% Buy 85% Sell 90% Sell 100% Sell
1 114g 60s 00c 112g 60s 37c 119g 22s 75c 132g 47s 50c
100 114g 40s 00c 112g 71s 00c 119g 34s 00c 132g 60s 00c
250 114g 37s 50c 112g 79s 50c 119g 43s 00c 132g 70s 00c
1000 110g 70s 00c 113g 05s 00c 119g 70s 00c 133g 00s 00c
5000 90g 95s 00c 117g 10s 87c 123g 99s 75c 137g 77s 50c
  • A buyer would pay 100% Buy to place a buy order and wait for it to fill.
  • A buyer would pay 100% Sell to instantly buy from the trading post.
  • A seller would receive 85% Sell if they place a sell order and wait for it to fill.
  • For player-to-player trading, 90% Sell is used as a middle ground.